
Thanks at the opening ceremony.10 min10 min5 min
Company name and logo on banners, invitation cards, exhibitor's directory.
Invitation card for the official opening ceremony.1005050
Promoting your company's brand at the entrance.A space on the right side of the entrance hallA space on the left side of the entrance hallA space on the right side
Table flags in the sponsoring company's booth.642
Roll up for the sponsoring company placed in the exhibition halls.752
Roll up placed in the ministry as a sponsor of the ministry exhibition.642
free space in the official exhibition guide (Information is provided by the sponsor and prior to the exhibition deadline).A4A4A4
Promotional page in the official exhibition guide and magazine (Information is provided by the sponsor and prior to the exhibition deadline).10 pages8 pages4 pages
A seat is dedicated to senior officials of your sponsoring company at the opening ceremony of the exhibition in the first row.321
A badge and ribbon dedicated to your company.
Placing a funded advertisement on social media for the sponsoring company's participation in the exhibition.One monthTwo weeks10 days
Announcement of the sponsoring company on the official website of the exhibition (Information is provided by the sponsor and prior to the exhibition deadline).Two monthsOne monthTwo months
VIP invitations for lunch.886
Special hospitality for the sponsors.Coffee cornerCoffee cornerSnacks
Service workers.PermanentTemporaryTemporary
Billboards for the sponsor at the gates of Baghdad International Fair.432
Advertising box in the corridors of all Baghdad International Fair.201510
Flags at the entrance to the exhibition hall.642
Sponsor's logo in the screens of the opening ceremony.
Sponsor's logo at the entrance hall.Right sideLeft sideLeft side
Special shields for sponsors distributed at the closing ceremony.
Media coverage for sponsors (interviews, professional videos, photos).
Special location at the exhibition.
Subsidized prices for the implementation of the sponsor's decorations.