The Ministry's Plan for the Electric Power Distribution Sector

The Ministry's plan for the electric power distribution sector includes several key projects aimed at improving distribution networks and substations, and enhancing their efficiency. Among these projects are efforts to relieve bottlenecks and electrify new neighborhoods.

The plan also includes the immediate installation of electronic or prepaid meters for customers who are not registered in the network, as well as gradually programming supply hours until full demand is met.

The ministry is committed to clear timelines for reducing non-technical (administrative) losses and ensuring accountability for the timing and results of these programs. This includes electronic billing and mandatory billing procedures through paper transactions.

Furthermore, the plan involves registering all unregulated consumers into the network and issuing legally compliant electricity bills. Issues related to land clearing and the interconnection of illegal consumers with the regulated network are also addressed.

The plan also targets addressing issues related to splitting residential units and the associated costs, along with controlling billing and payment procedures within specific timelines.

The ministry aims to gradually increase the reading of consumed energy to reach 90% by 2025, and improve the collection rate of measured energy to reach 95% in the same year.

Additionally, the plan includes digital energy efficiency programs and monitoring systems for both received and consumed energy at the sector level. Human resources in the distribution sector are also being invested in to enhance energy consumption reading and billing activities, with incentives aimed at reducing administrative losses and maximizing collection resources.

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